MD Fraudulent Philosophers (Reprise)

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Sat Aug 27 2005 - 16:50:09 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Is MD a cult?"

    “Bahn” stated on August 23rd:

    “Pray tell Anthony... DMB...or anyone else. Is the back patting still going
    on? Was the conference still a success in light of this hoax.”

    Ant McWatt comments:

    Firstly, it’s nice to receive an e-mail from you which doesn’t contain an
    expletive at every second or third word. Yes, the back patting is still
    going on and we are looking forward very much to developing the MOQ in the
    future and to organising the next Conference.

    Secondly, let’s get some issues straight here. Anyone invited to the July
    Conference (and remember this included “dissenters” such as Ham Priday, Matt
    Kundert, Scott Roberts and Sam Norton) was free to present a paper of
    whatever viewpoint they wanted. I only proof read the Loggins paper for
    grammar and phrasing. I had to trust contributors with the content in the
    interests of free speech and because of time restraints (for instance, I had
    to organise, amongst other things, hiring rooms for the lectures and the
    social events, the catering facilities, the IT equipment, photocopying, the
    documentary film crew, a boat cruise, the invitations, the conference
    papers, chairing the conference as well as accommodation – which I vetted
    beforehand - for a number of attendees). If someone wanted to abuse my
    trust by sending in a hoax paper that largely appealed to mine and David
    Boyce’s sympathy because of the author’s supposed disabilities then that
    really is sad. By the way, as David had to read it out, the paper was
    further edited by him to remove the more sycophantic and over the top
    remarks so don’t assume that any of the Conference attendees was fooled by
    the paper as it appears on your website/s. It was never presented in that

    Thirdly, David Boyce spent many hours practising reading out the paper and
    Mark Maxwell drove sixty miles on a round trip to David’s house to deliver
    some “last minute” changes that “Richard Loggins” requested on the Sunday
    evening before the Conference week. Mark is presently driving his mother to
    and from hospital three times a week so he could certainly do without any
    unnecessary driving. David and Mark at least deserve an apology from
    Hellier and Bradford though - as far as I can see at the moment - the latter
    still haven’t appreciated how much time and hard work that they wasted by
    people who certainly had no argument with them. Mind you, of course, that’s
    typical behaviour of self-centred immature people. See Reasons 6 and 2 of
    Mark Heyman’s summary below:

    10 Reasons Why People Pretend To Be Someone They're Not

    #10) Their mommies told them that who they are is worthless, and
    their mommies were right.

    #9) As children playing hide-and-seek they were always "It," and when
    the counting was done everyone else had run off to play football.

    #8) They look in the mirror in the morning and see the back of
    someone else's head, but go ahead and shave anyway.

    #7) Pondering the question "To be or not to be" always involves a
    third, less frightening option.

    #6) Lying, crying and whining are much easier, and far less

    #5) As kids at Halloween everyone but them had Super Hero costumes.

    #4) When in bed, an ear folded against the pillow, the whooshing
    sound of their own blood reminds them of winds echoing through vast
    empty spaces. With good reason.

    #3) As themselves they charge $200 an hour for guitar lessons, but as
    someone else they are actually able to find people willing to pay $10
    an hour for guitar lessons.

    #2) Left to their own devices they are, sadly, left to their own

    And the number one reason why People Pretend To Be Someone They're

    They are intellectual limp-dicks!


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