Re: MD Debating Intellect MoQ-Wise (Was Rhetoric)

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 19:36:09 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD How do conservative values support DQ and the evolution of SQ?"


    Ian said:
    I think your symbolic manipulation is one part of intelligence (a
    linguistic part and therefore very important part) but I doubt it will
    be very satisfactory as the whole definition of "intellect". We'll

    Right. That's why I added creation and observation of symbols. Manipulation
    is the boring part of intellect. Observation (maybe 'reflection' would be
    better) is noticing the boring, or inadequate or incoherent state of
    existing intellectual patterns, resulting in creating new ones.

    Ian said:
    You do highlight one of the isssues, more significant in this higher
    layer - the extent to which it is really "static". The rate of
    evolution in this layer is greater than the others, and we probably
    have many static patterns within in, (and that's really what we're
    talking about) rather than the whole "slab" of intellect being
    "static" - if it were, it would be hard to avoid Bo's conclusion that
    it just represents GOF-Intellect, as so far propounded by Pirsig.

    This really puzzles me -- why Pirsig detaches creativity from the concept of
    intellect. (I think it lies in his beliefs about mysticism.). To say there
    is intellectual SQ, but imply that DQ is only preintellectual strikes me as

    Ian said:
    For me this just becomes a mildly interesting picture of what had
    evolved historically as far as SOMist intellect before the MoQ, but
    leaves the MoQ itself out in the cold - as little more that the
    mystery of DQ processes themselves. I'm trying to "add value" to that

    One thing my definition leaves hanging is what is meant by "symbolic". The
    "Essentialism and anti-essentialism" thread largely gives my understanding
    of what a symbolic system is: the incessant mutual dependence between
    concepts and their expression (essents and existents, universals and
    particulars). So if asked what I think intellect is in the sense of "what
    quality intellectual activity is like", I might say it is the working out of
    new expressions, thus creating new concepts. We don't know the new concept
    until it is expressed, yet if we didn't already know it in some obscure way,
    we wouldn't have been able to express it -- and this is where I think the
    logic of contradictory identity is needed to discuss intellect.

    So what value do you wish to add?

    - Scott

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