Re: MD Individuals and Collectives

From: khaled Alkotob (
Date: Sat Sep 10 2005 - 04:09:59 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Consciousness/MOQ, definition of"

    What Style. You hit the nail on the head.

    And the sad truth is that this empire is way past its prime. The US. will
    be entering survival mode pretty soon.
    When Cuba offers to send doctors to help with our relief efforts, you
    know we are hitting bottom.


     "C.L. Everett" <> writes:
    > Platt:
    > >>Or you can depose dictators and bring the light of democracy,
    > >>freedom, individual rights and dynamic free markets to people who
    > have
    > >>never known such goodness.
    > o my god Platt. I hear elevator music playing in the background. o
    > look there are little children skipping and throwing flower petals
    > along the path to the trickling brook where the deer graze nearby
    > unafraid. Hasn't the middle east been transformed, my friends, by
    > our
    > kind and benevolent and unselfish acts of kindness and mercy and
    > love?
    > Why we're off to India and Africa next, but no, wait. Hark. We
    > should have gone there first, you say? Why? Wait I can't hear you.
    > What are you saying? Dire needs? Much internal conflict and strife
    > and what? No oil. Well, we're sorry, we have other pressing
    > priorities, don't we. Why look, darling. There's blacks dying in our
    > own backyard. Let us help them. But wait, should we help them?
    > Would $2000 a piece be enough, hon? But we're working hard, aren't
    > we!
    > Goodness, my ass. Revenge and opportunity was the flag America flew
    > on the day she invaded Afghanistan and then, like a mad dog, went
    > running into Iraq to to carry out plans for the new american century
    > of global imperialism.
    > I mean come on Platt--this was in the works at least since 1997,
    > waiting for its moment and it came. How stupid do you think people
    > are? You buds clearly state: "We need to to challenge regimes
    > hostile
    > to our interests and values." If that's not imperialism and
    > religious
    > persecution, I don't know what to call it. But then I'm sure you
    > do.
    > Maybe "missionary" work? Or no, "spreading the light".
    > --
    > C.L. Everett <---gagging

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