From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Sep 21 2005 - 11:57:48 BST
Love your rants. Please let me know when you find in the Bible that Jesus
carried a weapon to force his moral views on others.
> [Case to Platt]
> Once again I see a disconnect between a party that espouses religious
> values then twists them into something unrecognizable.
> [Arlo]
> Of course. Although it is more a deliberate manipulation, or pandering to,
> "religion" with the sole aim of garnishing the vote-power.
> You'll always find the ones who shout "Jesus!" the loudest to give them
> power of another's life are the one's who completely ignore it when it
> comes to parting them from their wealth.
> We must stop abortion, but once children are born we can neglect them like
> good Christo-Republicrats. We must stop euthanasia, but leave the sick and
> infirmed who are without means of payment to die in squalor. We must
> crusade against gay marriage because Jesus condemned it, but at the same
> time we can drive by homeless people in our Lexuses (Lexi?) and Buicks
> content in the good old "Gods and Clods" reasoning that the poor deserve to
> be poor, the homeless deserve to be homeless, and the hungry deserve to be
> hungry. After all, we are better than them. To have some moral compulsion
> shoved in our faces about feeding the poor, why that's anti-American,
> Marxist gulagagging*. Buuuuuut... that won't stop us from feeling good
> about how "moral" we are, will it?
> *Gulagagging. A play on "lollygagging", think of it is "gulag" plus the
> repetitive "gagging" of us with propaganda laden fear tactics.
> At any rate, back to the point. The party faithful, I believe, don't even
> really partake of such sanctimonious hypocracy. They don't try to convince
> themselves they are devoutly religious, indeed, they use it only when it
> serves them. Like Platt. Who has stated in this forum that "until the MOQ
> is accepted, we should rely on Judeo-Christian morality" (not exact, and I
> think to be fair he included "common law"). So here's a guy who is
> admittedly not a devout Christian, who holds no qualms about flying the JC
> banner to support his belief that gays should not be allowed to marry, for
> example. And yet when pressed to the "inconvient rest of the Bible", you
> know, the part about loving thy neighbor, and all that Marxist jazz, he
> says that, well, there are certain parts that should not be used. Certain
> parts?! That's bloody well 98% of the book!
> Point, the rallying cry is not out of admiration or devotion to the words
> of Jesus, or the message of the religion, it is to use certain parts to
> mobilize religious citizens into voting for a party that is most assuredly
> NOT the party Jesus would join (which would likely be the Socialist Workers
> Party, Carpentry Division...).
> In the meantime, however, the Lexuses and Buicks keep driving by. Blasted
> poor. Why did God even bother to make such wretched creatures.
> Arlo
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