Re: MD Duty to Oneself Only? Or Others?

From: Matt poot (
Date: Sun Oct 02 2005 - 00:08:58 BST

  • Next message: David M: "Re: MD Consciousness/MOQ, definition of"

    Hi all ,


    It's funny, because I was just having a similar discussion with my girlfriend the other night.  I don't have much time, but just wanted to pop in an interesting idea.  Recently in the NHL they imposed a sort of salary cap for hockey players.


    I think some sort of salary cap for everybody could be a good idea.  I dont think that there wont (or shouldnt) be richer people, but making a million dollars a year (and more) is just crazy..... I just can't concieve why any person/organization could justify a salary of such gross proportions.  and this is just the tip of the iceberg.  out of the 500 ceo's in america, the average salary is 10 000 000 dollars!!!


    anywho, i've got to re-attend to my dinner which is on the go...


    have a good one





    From:  Arlo Bensinger <>
    Subject:  Re: MD Duty to Oneself Only? Or Others?
    Date:  Sat, 01 Oct 2005 11:05:53 -0400
    >Hi Mark,
    >Glad you've been listening in.
    >[You wrote]
    >I think the "50 yard line" problem of wealth accumulation can be
    >avoided if we simply agree that wealth accumulation is not
    >inherently bad,  but is immoral only insofar as it negatively
    >affects the well-
    >being of others.
    >Of course, I've never meant from this football analogy that I
    >believe there to be some absolute "line in the sand" where "wealth
    >accumulation" becomes immoral. I was merely attempting to focus the
    >conversation of the easily seeable endzones (or poles) before
    >getting bogged down in a mire of detail, that as you suggest (and I
    >agree) may be something that needs to take multiple factors into
    >account, and also I think have some degree of historical placement.
    >I also want to emphasize that a big problem in the dialogue is the
    >use of the word "poor". We use it, because we've been enculturated
    >to do so, in a near-strict capitalistic sense. And this is precisely
    >the problem with the valuation of people based on an economic
    >marker. In the sense we use the word, the Amish are "poor". They
    >lack financial capital, they lack material acquisitions we use as
    >strong measures of succcess, but the Amish themselves don't consider
    >themselves "poor", quite the opposite, many have expressed (I know
    >this from personal encounters) a feeling of great wealth. That is,
    >"rich" and "poor" in their views are not economically derived, as
    >they are in ours.
    >When Erin talked about "making people richer" versus "making people
    >poorer", I had hoped to start to talk about this discursive shift in
    >meaning. Namely, is the only way of "making people richer" giving
    >them more financial capital? Does a loss of financial capital equate
    >with "becoming poorer". What makes the Amish feel wealthy, even
    >though we consider them poor?
    >As a short, and simplistic, example, I offer "public libraries". By
    >using taxation to fund this community service, people are (in the
    >economic model) "made a little poorer". They are deprived of capital
    >means they would otherwise possess. But, at the same time, they are
    >"made much richer" (I'd argue) by being part of a community where
    >access to information is egalitarian and not class-derived.
    >Now, this is not to support a "capitalist" system gone awry that
    >deprives most of its people of true socio-economic power, or keeps a
    >notable segment living in or near poverty, that somehow this should
    >be ignored and people should just be content and measure their
    >"richness" in other ways. That would, and has been sadly, the
    >opiating role of consumerism and warped religious doctrine. No, only
    >when both the economically "rich" and the economically "poor" come
    >to see "value" as more than money money money, would such a shift be
    >beneficial to society and not merely a ploy to make the "poor" feel
    >they should be content with their economic reality.
    >You suggest three very good questions to begin the process.
    >1)  What did you do to "get" it?
    >2)  What are you doing with it?
    >3)  What are you willing to do to keep it?
    >All of these, as is obvious, places "wealth" outside of economic
    >measures. Ask these three questions of most Amish (and again, I use
    >these not as some Ideal, but as antithesis to mainstream thinking
    >about "wealth"), and you'd find that although their financial levels
    >are low, they score "rich" on each of these questions. (Of course,
    >there have been some Amish communities that have turned to drug
    >running and prostitution. Go figure.)
    >In short, I like these questions as a springboard into the dialogue.
    >Indeed, these three questions are just what Bill O'Reily (that great
    >Marxist pundit) was trying to ask/say in his criticism of the oil
    >companies and their gauging "the little guy". They made money, yes,
    >but they fail in a morality check on these three questions.
    >Hopefully, although I doubt it'll happen, O'Reily will begin to
    >apply this critical thinking to other situations (such as, I've
    >already mentioned, slashing healthcare of laborers while CEOs and
    >boards reap millions and millions in bonuses, options and so-called
    >"golden parachutes"). He lacks the language to do this, of course,
    >because in his (as in most) views, the pursuit of wealth is a
    >measure of personal worth. And you can't fault someone for seeking
    >to become "better" (aka "richer").
    >For example, I bet we'd all agree that becoming wealthy by writing a
    >book like ZMM is morally superior to becoming wealthy by
    >manufacturing land mines or cigarettes or depriving people of life-
    >saving drugs.
    >Like all dichotomous dialogues, one is placed in the seeming
    >position of supporting an elimination of wealth, gulags, Stalinism
    >or such when one begins to question "wealth". Such is the entrenched
    >notion that "wealth acquisition" is an Axiomatic Good, an
    >Unassailable Goal to which we should all pursue (or at the least,
    >not impede the more-valuable people who do). I've never stated, nor
    >do I agree, that no one should be rewarded, or profit, from their
    >endeavors. But the system is not just. There are people who work
    >70-80 days, 6-7 days a week, doing hard labor who will never receive
    >any just-reward from a system that separates people from the rewards
    >of their labor. To "conservatives", these are "bottom feeders",
    >worth nothing more in life than the minimum wage they bring home.
    >Truly "valuable people" rise in the system (they believe) and earn
    >money based on their value as people. But the truth of it is, as you
    >know, that people (the vast majority) die in the same socio-econo!
    >mic class as they are born. Whether this is due to access to social
    >networks, imbalance in education, or other factors is another good
    >For example, yes, Pirsig did deserve the wealth generated by his
    >work. But, let me ask a difficult question. Pirsig was not born into
    >poverty, his parents were economically well-off, and he attended a
    >privileged private school. He had familial wealth to support his
    >"wanderings" during the years he formulated what would become
    >Qualtiy. What would have happened, hypotheticall, if Robert Pirsig
    >was not born into such wealth, but rather born as the son of a day
    >laborer, or unemployed factory worker? Would he be where he is
    >The point is that economic privilege at birth bestows advantages to
    >the child that pretty much secure the child's success and wealth in
    >life (um, Paris Hilton?). This is not to challenge the notion that
    >Pirsig's wealth is morally superior to those whose wealth was
    >generated by "manufacturing land mines or cigarettes or depriving
    >people of life-saving drugs", only that part of the equation that
    >must be addressed is the "potential" of participating in a system
    >that obviously, by all accounts and measures, favors what I call
    >"wealth gravition", namely that there is little vertical movement or
    >participation in the system.
    >This is, obviously, part and parcel of the problem of "wealth" as a
    >measure of value. People who have accumulated wealth have no
    >dialogic reasons for parting with it, to say make someone else's
    >life easier, when such an act would mean a devaluation of their own
    >social standing.
    >The final thing I want to comment on is this.
    >Is someone who cracks a  bank vault at night morally beneath S&L
    >owners who stole millions from taxpayers during the 1980's? (FYI,
    >the few who went to jail received sentences one-fifth that of the
    >average bank robber.)  How about bankers who have become wealthy by
    >knowingly laundering drug money, or by straight-forward
    >Yeah, this always cracks me up. You'll hear how we do address "white
    >collar" crime, but when you look at the numbers people get more time
    >for stealing a purse than for embezzling millions from 401ks. Maybe
    >it has something to do with celebrity. Maybe, as a society, we can
    >relate to that greed? Maybe we are just accustomed to seeing the
    >wealthy as "more valuable", so we don't inflict punishment on them
    >the same way we inflict punishment on "the low life".
    >Anyways, thanks for your thoughts.
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