Re: MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Mon Oct 03 2005 - 19:09:34 BST

  • Next message: Mladen Duvnjak: "MD reply to Gav 2"

    On September 22nd, Ant McWatt stated:

    >To cut to the chase, if SOM was the intellectual level of the MOQ then
    >that would mean the MOQ itself is part of SOM or that the MOQ is a
    >non-intellectual static pattern (such as a social one). Both options
    >seem nonsensical to me.

    Bo Skutvik responded on September 23rd:

    That the MOQ is "out of intellect", "beyond intellect", "non-intellectual"
    is plain.

    Ant McWatt asks:

    OK, Bo, if you think the MOQ is not an intellectual map of reality nor a
    social pattern, where does it exist within reality? Where is its
    metaphysical place?

    Best wishes,


    “Well! I’ve often seen an SOM without an MOQ,” thought Alice; “but an MOQ in
    an SOM! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!”

    (Apologies to Lewis Carroll and the Cheshire Cat).


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