RE: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?

From: Kevin (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 18:16:59 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?"

    Matt S observed:
    I have to say, it seems a shame that you consistently
    reduce my explanations of postmodernism to this
    supposed paradox. You had quite clearly decided
    before I started this thread that postmodernism wasn't
    your thing. My suggestion to you is that you read
    some postmodern material, perhaps Foucault's 'The
    Order of Things', or Lyotard's 'What is
    Postmodernism'. If you still don't accept the
    arguments then fine, but at least give them a chance,

    Platt has repeated this argument against postmoderism and pragmatism as
    long as I've been on the board. Usually it is Matt E.E. that is on the
    other side of the argument.

    There seems to be a simple blind spot that refuses to recognize the very
    obvious difference between the Best choice from all available and
    Ahistorical Truth or Absolutes.

    This ridiculous assumption that just because all of our thoughts are
    contigent, they are somehow "equal". Horseshit.

    Even the most wacked out postmoderist freakoid knows the difference
    between a blowjob and bamboo under his fingernails. To suggest that they
    are "equal" is moronic and a complete strawman.

    A postmodernist might find it unimportant to quantify the metaphysical
    difference between the two (is one more "real" or "true" than the
    other?), but we can predict the choice with very high probability.

    I've no trouble seeing which is Best, do you?


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