RE: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?

From: Matthew Stone (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 14:04:44 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD pragMATTic"


    > I'd like to see if the two Matts agree with your
    > foundational principle that
    > "all we can ever know is better from worse" and that
    > it's ultimately true
    > that "truth will ultimately escape us."

    I agree. I'd perhaps say that rather than knowing
    better or worse, we *perceive* it, as at the end of
    the day these concepts (better and worse) are human
    inventions that Pirsig, amongst others, uses to bring
    meaning and coherence to the world. But apart from
    that slight alteration I agree indeed. And yes it's
    true that truth ultimately escapes us: the former
    'truth' situated in man and his thought, the latter
    'truth' sensed by man as external to man, and so

    Matt S

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