Re: MD Any help

From: Rebecca Temmer (
Date: Tue Oct 18 2005 - 19:41:02 BST

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    Hi Platt..
     As for Pirsig's explanation of socialist cities - I'm really not sure that
    I agree with that. Havana, Cuba is a city is a very socialist country and
    it's not a dull place by anyone's definition. Albeit it could probably be
    argued that Havana is exciting and vibrant because of its history/culture
    and the underground (black market) economy. But now we're just mincing
     Do you think using tax money to build roads is a "coercive government
    program that redistributes personal income to fund national welfare
    programs"? Would you put Education into this category as well, Medi-care? Or
    solely 'welfare' programs, which people who cannot (do not want to) find
    work use as their primary source of income?

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