RE: MD Looking for the Primary Difference

From: Case (
Date: Thu Nov 10 2005 - 02:29:18 GMT

  • Next message: Case: "RE: MD Looking for the Primary Difference"

    > [Case]
    > Most definitions I can find for intellect require at minimum a nervous
    > system. Tree don't have them.

     I got a little of a synchronistic kick..after reading
    this it brought to mind how the the word dendrite
    dervives from the Greek word for tree which describes
    their branching tree-like structure
    maybe they don't have a nervous system but our nervous
    system has trees :-)

    But see that is exactly it.

    The tree spreads its leaves to the sun and digs its roots into the earth.
    The structure that it uses to absorb light is remarkablly like the
    sturucture it uses to absorb nutriant from the soil.

    In our bodies similar structures are used to exchange chemical from the air,
    disburse nurtients through out the system and transmit electrochecmical
    impluses. This structure exhibits self similarity across scale. It allows
    the greatest number of possible interactions in the smallest possible space.
    Well more or less.

    It appears often when energy is being disbursed.
    In addition to being common to both plants and animals
    It shows its face in lighten bolts and
    River deltas if you prefer two dimensions.
    Make your own list.
    My favorite example is brocoli.
    If you cut off just the buds for a salad
    You can slice the universe with a kitchen knife.

    This structure is static if only though shear pattern repetition. Yet it
    becomes static as a result its efficiency in allowing dynamic relationships
    to transpire.

    On a more serious note... it is hard for me to imagine
    how any value does not involve intellect so to be
    convinced that trees don't have intellect I would need
    to be able to understand how value can occur without
    intellect. It is hard for me to imagine how that is
    I thought you might like this article...

    Uh ok and there you go with more trees.
    I will resort to my impersonation of Bullwinkle reading Joyce Kilmer.

    I think that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree.

    Now watch me pull a rabbit outa my hat.

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