Re: MD Changes

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 21:13:06 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "MD Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:08:00 -0700"

    Hi Steve, DMB, All:

    > Platt, so I better understand what you mean by conservative, could you
    > state your position on...
    > Gay marriage
    > Capital punishment
    > Abortion rights
    > Taxation on inherited wealth
    > Liaise faire capitalism v mixed economy

    Happy to oblige. I'm not in favor of gay marriages or death taxes. I am in
    favor of capital punishment and the right to an abortion (but not funded
    by the state) up to the time a fetus is capable of living outside the
    womb. Finally, I favor capitalism vs. socialism (mixed economy) as
    defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica Online:

    Socialism is a system of social organization in which private property
    and the distribution of income are subject to social control, rather than
    to determination by individuals pursuing their own interests or by the
    market forces of capitalism.

    Capitalism, also called free market economy, or free enterprise
    economy, is an economic system, dominant in the Western world since
    the breakup of feudalism, in which most of the means of production are
    privately owned and production is guided and income distributed largely
    through the operation of markets.

    For the rationale in favor of capitalism, I turn not only to Pirsig but to
    Ayn Rand:

    "In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are
    free to cooperate or not, to deal with another or not, as their own
    individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal
    with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i.e., by
    means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by
    voluntary choice to mutual benefit. The right to agree with others is not a
    problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that is crucial. It is the
    institution of private property that protects and implements the right to
    disagree - and thus keeps the road open to man's most valuable
    attribute: the creative mind" (Ayn Rand, in Capitalism, an Unknown

    To see the MOQ connection, simply substitute "response to DQ" for
    "the creative mind"


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