Re: MD Squonk wrote a Review

Date: Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:59:32 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:08:00 -0700"

    So, Squank, I think there is still hope for you. Not hope for you to
    be converted to the pragmatist interpretation, but rather a hope that some
    day you can, at least, understand the argument being made.


    Hi Andy,
    Thank you for your help.
    May i say a couple of things about pragmatism? There are many versions of
    pragmatism; James was a liberal and interested in religious experience; Dewey
    a scientist; Rorty a language bloke. I like them all. I like pragmatism. I
    like Aristotle and Spinoza, Plotinus and Mill. There are many versions of
    I understand the arguments Matt makes, but i feel his arguments are low
    quality in that they are self serving.
    I can't refute Matt's arguments, because Matt's position is one of, 'I could
    not find a niche in the, so i shall adopt a position which says no
    one can justify their position absolutely.' In other words, 'If i can't be
    allowed in, no one at all will be allowed in.'
    That was first done thousands of years ago and it is as true today as it was
    then. Good show Matt!

    You can keep your 'isms', and your 'ises' and all the rest of it, for i can
    go anywhere in the world and look another in the eye and know Quality.
    Everyone knows Quality. Quality works, and not by placing it in a pragmatic
    envelope of limited dimension. If Matt has not experienced this, no amount of
    argumentation can or will change things for him. Matt must tread his own path
    and understand for himself.

    But Andy, please do not hope for me? Allow me to reassure you that i would on
    no account wish to change my experiences of Quality for those of anyone else.
    As i sit here and look out into woods and contemplate a cold Spring breeze,
    all is radiant and shinning with life.
    Where in Matt's tedious essay will you find that? ;)


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