RE: MD Two Theses in the MOQ

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Tue Nov 29 2005 - 12:17:45 GMT

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Quality, DQ and SQ"

    Had Dan's head not originated the project and followed through, "Lila's
    Child" would never have existed in the first place, regardless of other
    heads, past or present.

    And tell me how it would've existed without those "other heads, past or

    Socially constructed my arse. No commune produced "Lila's Child." Someone
    got the idea and made it happen. In this case, Dan the Man. Which is why
    I can say, "Thank you Dan for creating "Lila's Child" as opposed to your
    saying "Thank you Lord for the emergence of "Lila's Child and the
    miraculous appearance of every other original work since the beginning of

    Too bad. You'd be right the other way. At least Dan get its, as I knew he would.
    "Lila's Child" emerged due to the ongoing historical dialogue that includes not
    only the contemporary dialogue post-MOQ, but the historical dialogue of
    philosophy including the voices of Plato, Kant, James and the Sophists. It took
    ALL of these voices to make Lila's Child, and when Dan appropriated the
    collective consciousness of all communicating mankind, and became part of that
    dialogue, only then was he as that wonderful mergence of
    "individual-collective" able to be the keystone species in the creation of
    Lila's Child.

    In other efforts, such as the MD, Horse may be said to be the keystone species,
    and Dan, and you, and me and everyone else socially construct (or attempt to)
    the evolution of the MOQ. This metaphor not only provides a more accurate
    description of the creation of knowledge, but works with Pirsig's emergentist
    model that is based on collective activity on one level giving way to the
    emergent higher next level.


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