FW: RE: FW: RE: MD Calling all atheists

From: Matt poot (mattpoot@hotmail.com)
Date: Sat Dec 03 2005 - 18:04:47 GMT

  • Next message: Matt poot: "FW: RE: FW: RE: MD Calling all atheists"

    Hi ,

    I just thought I would address a point.

    In regards to "somthing out of nothing".

    A few atoms and molecules eventually accreted into larger aggregates, 
    macromolecules of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids.  
    Somehow, complex molecules came to be enclosed by lipid membranes that 
    separated the in from the out.  These were protocells, the beginning of 
    life.  At some point, life-less matter had become arranged in sufficient 
    complexity to become alive.
    _from david suzuki's book "tree: a life story"
    again, I have to run.  Im really sorry for the fragmented posts, maybe 
    better to save draft?  let me know!  keep up the discussion.
    lets try and avoid politics and social things.  We were discussing purposes, 
    and preferences, which tie into both the causal , and beautiful aspects of 
    this discussion.
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