Re: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power.

From: Trivik Bhavneni (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 14:49:26 GMT

  • Next message: nargess sabeti: "Re: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power."

    > > > the most horrible ways imaginable.
    > > >
    > > does it make a difference how one does the killing ?
    > >
    > If you can't see a difference in the effect on witnesses between a quick,
    > painless execution and death by slow torture, I can't explain it.

    i can not make out if that is a blanket statement dissing painfull deaths
    while ratifying painless ones, or with reference to this context.

    if sadam killed useing painless methods would it be any better?

    i do not see how the knowledge of an unjust but painless death is any
    less gut wrenching than an unjust but painfull one.

    once the carpet bommings start there will be no witneses to the murders,
    not because they would have been vaporised left indistingwishable from the
    rubble, but because we would have in some wraped manner convinced
    ourselves that it was just. very similar to the logic used by sadam to
    protect his own people by murdering some of them.

    as anyone who has been in love would know thought has a much greater
    capacity to cause pain than our body. (biological < intelectual). when in
    a torture chamber one does not think, ergo the amount of pain one can feel
    is lessened. thus as a witness i find inevitable deaths that the thousands
    face significantly more painfull.

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