From: johnny moral (
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 20:43:01 GMT
Platt quotes Pirsig:
>from Chapter 24 of "Lila."
>"And this is a war in which intellect, to end the paralysis of society, has
>to know whose side it is on, and support that side, never undercut it.
>Where biological values are undermining social values, intellectuals
>must identify social behavior, no matter what its ethnic connection, and
>support it all the way without restraint. Intellectuals must find
>behavior, no matter what its ethnic connection, and limit or destroy
>destructive biological patterns with complete moral ruthlessness, the
>way a doctor destroys germs, before those biological patterns destroy
>civilization itself."
>For me, this is "the Quality of removing Saddam Hussein."
How does this relate to cloning and genetic engineering? This seems to
imply that all aspects of biology should be socially controlled, including
our notoriously wantonly wild reproduction. But because this puts the power
of propagation of the species in the hands of a few social scientists and
government regulated labs, could government control of reproduction become a
social level institution undermining the intellectual concept of human
freedom to reproduce naturally without any approval? Or is human freedom a
biological level phenomenon?
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