MD Ayn Rand

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Sun Mar 23 2003 - 16:04:14 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Life after death?"

    Platt, DMB, Sam, all,

    The three of you have recently mentioned the influence that Ayn Rand has had
    on your thinking. Yet you all seem to favor Pirsig's MOQ over Ayn Rand's
    Objectivism. I recently asked why and got no responses, so I'll try again.

    Objectivism does not result in the moral paralysis that has plagued the
    moral relativistic SOM-embracing intellectuals of today, and I find it
    interesting to compare the conclusions in moral decision-making based on MOQ
    and those made based on Objectivism.

    I assume for Sam, that he likes Christianity even more than Pirsig, and Ayn
    Rand rejects revelation out of hand as not objective, so Objectivism is
    worse than MOQ.

    I assume for DMB, Ayn Rand goes against his liberal sensibilities, but where
    did she go wrong in her metaphysics that led her to reject the socialism
    that you want in favor of an untried hands-off capitalism?

    Ayn Rand's politics seem consistent with Platt's, so I wonder where he and
    Ayn Rand part company.

    I'd be interested in any other's thoughts about Ayn Rand's philosophy. As
    MOQ-ists, where did she go wrong? What did she have right?


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