Re: MD Burden of Proof

From: johnny moral (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 18:56:06 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Systematic about the Sophists (Kingsley)"

    Hi Platt,

    I was responding to Rick's contention that nothing could change if there
    weren't a "different kind" of morality, assuming he would demand to know why
    artists innovate, etc.

    As to your point about art, certainly we expect more from artists than mere
    innovation, I agree, and shlock is shlock, no question. Whatever we expect
    of art, that's high quality. If we expect to be moved by revealed truths
    about life and so on, then that's what an artist should try to do. My point
    was simply that static patterns, expectations, do call for changing things,
    not constant stifling conformity, as he seemed to imply.

    Those "DQ moments" are moments when expectations, static patterns, interact
    in especially nice ways and produce a startling and inspiring result. You
    can attribute them to a God smiling on you if it makes you happy, that's
    what most people do, that's expected.

    I do consider DQ to be a special divine force, I believe it is the Love that
    powers the universe, combining the expectations of each and every
    consciousness and creating a reality that maximizes Quality, meets the most
    expectations. I just don't see DQ as being a "different kind of morality",
    as that just opens the door to self-righteous dogmatism about what one
    believes to be "more dynamic". Believing in DQ as a different kind of
    morality also results in a disrespect for existing morality, because the DQ
    is considered a 'better' or 'purer' form of morality, and existing morality
    is to be disregarded. My contention that all SQ patterns are moral and
    should not be broken, including the SQ pattern of the conception of DQ, puts
    everyone on the same field and in the same game, it means that we all have
    to respect morality and not be self-righteous and independent of it, in the
    name of some different morality that only we have seen, while others, pity
    them, have not experienced and will just not understand.

    Agreed, we have all been at different nexi (?) of static patterns and all
    have different expectations, but if we respect static patterns and
    expectations in general, we have more empathy and rub each other the wrong
    way a lot less.


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