Re: MD Intellectual Art (Ayn Rand)

From: Valence (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 22:57:22 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "Re: MD The Quality of Genetic Engineering."

    Hey Platt and Steve,
    I haven't read any Ayn Rand, so I can't comment on that aspect of the

    > PLATT
    > The "truth" revealed by great art is not an "intellectual truth" but
    > the truth of what it is to be alive and human. It is "intuitive truth," an
    > immediate perception of Quality, preconceptual and therefore
    > inexplicable. So I see great art as Steve does, as a catalyst for the DQ
    > experience.

    Art is a catalyst for Dynamic experience? Okay. I like that. But many
    things are catalysts for Dynamic experience (ie. the heart attack). What,
    in your opinion, differentiates art from other catalysts of the Dynamic?

    > PIRSIG:
    > "For purposes of MOQ precision, let's say the intellectual level is the
    > same as mind. It is the collection and manipulation of symbols, created
    > in the brain, that stand for patterns of experience."
    > RICK
    > Given this definition and your feelings about Quality in art.... Do you
    > think that works of art which reveal truths about life are kinds of
    > intellectual patterns that stand for patterns of experience?
    > PLATT
    > Yes, the artist uses symbols to stand for patterns of experience. But
    > rather than using symbols to create intellectual patterns to convey
    > intellectual truths about the (supposedly) amoral world, he uses
    > symbols to create aesthetic patterns to convey intuitive truths about the
    > Quality world.

    What level do "aesthetic patterns" belong to in the MoQ?

    In SODV, Pirsig writes:
    > "The arts explore the Conceptually Unknown in other ways to create
    > patterns such as music, literature, painting, that reveal the Dynamic
    > Quality that produced them."
    > I think artistic, aesthetic patterns are distinctly different from
    > patterns although of course there is some overlap. Pirsig's novels are
    > excellent examples of combining intellectual and aesthetic patterns.

    Different I get. But to what level do they belong. Pirsig himself dodges
    the question in SODV giving us only this....

    In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance art was defined as high quality
    endeavor. I have never found a need to add anything to that definition.

    That's all well and good, but we still don't know what kind of pattern the
    Mona Lisa is. One might say that it's Inorganic (paint and canvas) but that
    would be like saying the chemistry professor is really just his molecules.

    > I find art endlessly fascinating. But in talking about it rather than
    > experiencing it, I can be rightly accused of being parasitic.

    I would never make such a pretentious accusation. I feel pretty sure that
    there is value in the discussion of art.

     Oh, what the
    > heck. Getting drunk, picking up bar ladies and talking about art is part
    > of life. :-)

    And let's not forget the metaphysics :)

    take care

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