Re: MD Intellectual Art (Dynamic Morality)

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 21:44:56 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Philosophy and Theology"

    Hi Johnny,
    > We still use "more moral" the same way though, because when you say
    > something is "more moral" you are presumably asserting that most people
    > would agree with you about what to choose, at least once you've had a chance
    > to explain your understanding of the situation, right?

    Not at all. When I say something is more moral, I mean it actually is
    better--as if quality is real. If you can't make this basic assumption, I
    wonder what value you could possibly find in reading Pirsig. Without it, I
    don't think we have enough common ground to make discussion of the MOQ


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