Re: MD Philosophy and Theology

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 12:00:28 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "MD Meditation/prayer"

    Hi Scott, David,

    Is it nugatory to say that I agree with most of what you say? In particular:

    > But the point I and I think Sam want to
    > make is that in that accounting is the argument that questions of the
    > existence or non-existence of God, of the origin of everything, of whether
    > or not the universe is meaningful or meaningless, whether or not
    > Enlightenment is for real, are not answerable by reason alone. Therefore,
    > one inevitably works from one faith or other (the agnostic is a de facto
    > secularist, since revelation requires a response).

    > The quality of the intellectual work done by theologians varies
    > but that it is intellectual seems to me so by definition. Theology just is
    > the intellect directed at one's religion.

    On the question of DMB's bookshelf, I agree that Matthew Fox is the clearest
    example of a theological thinker listed - Watts I don't really know that
    well. Actually, I haven't yet read Fox either, but I have a better idea of
    what he's trying to do.

    I'm trying to think of a theologian who would be a good example of
    compatibility with Campbell. I'll keep thinking....


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