From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 17:18:21 BST
Hi Wim
>Do you agree with Kuitert that
> postmodern culture is a necessary stage? What do you think about his next
> stage?
Somehow I missed that part of Kuitert's thinking (article). Could you
refer me to your post in the archives where he talks about stages? Or
perhaps copy and repeat what you posted before?
Without having a clue as to what Kuitert says about postmodernism
other than its emptiness (which I certainly agree with), IMO
postmodernism has no redeeming features whatsoever and is thus
useless as a stage to anywhere other than backward to tribal man
where all power resided in the group and your identity was determined
by which group you belonged to, not by the content of your character as
an individual.
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