From: Paul Turner (
Date: Thu May 01 2003 - 11:06:00 BST
Hi Platt
> Many definitions are tautological. For example, "A
> triangle means a
> plane figure enclosed by three straight lines." In
> an earlier post you
> cited the example of Pirsig's definition of a rock
> as "a stable inorganic
> pattern of Quality." So, using your tautological
> example:
> Q. In the MOQ, what stable patterns occur at the
> inorganic level?
> A. Rocks
> Q. What is a rock?
> A. A stable inorganic pattern of Quality.
Although, the answer to 'what stable patterns occur at
the inorganic level?' would be more appropriately,
'rocks, among other things', hence 'rocks' are an
example, not a definition. The answer to my question,
you are maintaining, is 'only human beings'.
But, I agree, any definition invoking predication is,
to a degree, tautological.
> That "intellectually she's nowhere" statement is a
> bugaboo that has
> come up before. Some interpret it to mean Lila has
> no capacity
> whatsoever to "manipulate language derived symbols"
> (Pirsig's definition
> of intellect) which would make Lila a blithering
> idiot. Obviously she can
> think and speak. Pirsig's hyperbolic phrase was
> simply meant to
> dramatize the differences in level dominance in
> Lila's "being."
I see that, but it is such bugaboos that obscure the
clarity of the metaphysics. However I realise that the
book is a novel and so I don't intend to make a big
deal out of the statement!
> For others here who
> have speculated
> recently that evolution is still happening at every
> level, a few examples
> would help solidify their case. Has anyone ever
> witnessed a new
> species being created?
You're a hard man Mr Holden, is a compelling logical
argument not enough? :)
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