Re: MD Undeniable Facts

From: phyllis bergiel (
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 22:47:46 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Undeniable Facts"

    No, David,
    thank you for your time:
    > dmb says:

    > These dynamic contrarians have always been with us and they've done a nice
    > job improving society. They're like genetic mutations at the social level.
    > But I think there's even more to it. Rights, it seems, are aimed precisely
    > at protecting contrarians. Rights protect the evolutionary process itself.
    > Rights open the doors to DQ. Its logical and rational and reasonable to
    > think that we ought not stand in the way of evolution, but beyond all that
    > it just seems right, doesn't it? It's moral in less expressable ways too.
    > Words like dignity, compassion and justice are intimately related to
    > Its a kind of spiritual truth, the fifth moral code loves contrarians.
    That part about genetic mutations at the social level really struck me. My
    husband (another philosopher) and I were discussing the evolutionary aspect
    of Pirsig from the living being thread this morning, and he suggested
    reading Steven (?) Pinker. Pinker claims that as humans are cultural
    beings, that is where our current evolution is going on, at the
    social/cultural level. I believe he suggests some sort of genetic
    transmission of culture.
    Sounds to me as if this might dovetail into some of the MoQ. Anybody else
    out there familiar with this writer?
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