Re: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ

From: johnny moral (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 20:06:18 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD MOQ Prayer"

    Hi Sam and Wim,

    : 1) You write: 'The inorganic level is shaped by the laws of physics. These
    : laws are a codification of the value choices made by atoms and molecules.'
    : I would write: 'The inorganic level can be described by the laws of
    : These laws codify the values inherent in the patterned behavior of
    : elementary particles, atoms, molecules or whatever else we suppose to be
    : constituent elements of physical reality.'
    : I would likewise rewrite your consequent descriptions of laws at the other
    : levels.
    I agree with you that 'described by' is significantly better than 'shaped

    Could I ask you two to delve deeper into this question? Some things it
    brings up in my mind:

    Now that the laws have been codified, do they not "shape" more than they

    At what point were the laws codified, was there more laxity in inorganic
    behavior previous to this point?

    Does Wim reject the word "choice" in switching to "values inherent in the
    patterned behavior?

    How much agency does Sam ascribe to a molecule in making a choice, could it
    choose something else? If not, is it a choice?

    Could the laws of physics have been different? Did they have to wait for a
    molecule or an atom to come along and behave in arbitrary some way before
    they could exist and force all succeeding molecules and atoms to behave like
    the first ones did?


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