Re: MD Structuralism in Pirsig

From: Scott R (
Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 04:02:49 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Event and level hierarchies opposite? (the hot stove)"


    > >Yes. I see contingency -- or maybe radical contingency -- as what is
    > >by the Buddhist phrase 'pratitya-samutpada', usually translated as
    > >"dependent co-origination". This means that nothing is what it is except
    > >terms of how it relates to everything else. It lacks "self-existence".
    > >hard "thing" to understand in this way, of course, is "myself".
    > >
    > do you think this relates to the previous discussions about other species
    > subjective, higher levels?

    Unfortunately I didn't keep up on this discussion, so I don't know. But
    since everything relates to everything, it must, no :-).

    > >My "metaphsyics" also pretty much hangs on this one word, with the real
    > >difference between Rorty and me, as I see it, being that I consider the
    > >statement "everything is contingent" to be a metaphysical Truth, that it
    > >be realized (mystically). {Note: that statement also uses a particular
    > >meaning of "everything": as "every thing (or event, or whatever that can
    > >observed, thought about, etc.), so the escape-that-can-be-another-trap is
    > >the word "emptiness" or "nothingness": sunyata.}

    > So whats the difference between "everything is contingent" and "everything
    > relative"

    Nothing that I can see. As long as one appreciates the paradox of both.
    Einstein, by the way (and I know I'm leaving the context), only thought that
    distance and elapsed time and mass were relative to the motion and
    acceleration of the observer. He didn't get to the point of noticing that
    all of reality is relative to the observer, including spacetime itself. I
    don't think Pirsig goes that far either (at least in Lila). And that the
    observer is relative to the observation.

    You might add Derrida to the list: "There is nothing outside the text",
    except he probably didn't quite mean it.

    - Scott

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