Re: MD The Transformation of Love

From: johnny moral (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 22:41:01 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD date of homo sapiens"

    Hi Rick,

    Hang on a wrote:
    >He describes this individuality as "blasphemy" and warns that...

    Just to be clear, what I decried as blasphemy was much more general.
    Individuality isn't blasphemy, it isn't even immoral today. I said:

    "Patterns should do what they should, people should be moral. That should
    be obvious, but instead people feel pattens should be thwarted. That's
    nothing short of blasphemy, which IS still a crime in my state."

    In other words, blasphemy is to deny or otherwise purposefully malign the
    moral imperative in general, to say that morality should be thwarted because
    it is bad. That is the equivilent in religious terminology of blasphemy,
    saying that God is bad. The terms I would use to describe individuality and
    breakdown of the pattern of lifelong marriage are "sad" and "alrming", but
    not "blasphemous." Most people who are the perpetrators of this
    individuality and who get divorced are doing it because it is now - sadly -
    expected of them. It is the greatest apparent good. They are being moral,
    not blasphemous, and following the tradition of the culture, which is very
    different now from what you describe it as being hundreds of years ago.
    That USED to be the tradition 500 years ago, but tradition was different 100
    years ago, and tradition is different today. Tradition isn't static, it
    changes. (Nothing is really static, now is it?)

    >But as the man said, "...the
    >courage to love [is] the courage to affirm one's own experience against
    >tradition..." Here's hoping Johnny Moral can find this sort of courage.

    It would be much less courageous for me to go along with the culture and
    just let marriage be abolished, just chase amor where ever it beckons me
    like most people do. That's what I have always done in the past, and it
    sure has been easy. I've never married, I've even had an adulterous affair
    because it was so amorous (which i regret terribly and won't do again.
    she's divorced now and may be better off, but he was hurting for a long
    time, or so I heard). Was that courageous of me? Chasing amor really
    takes no courage if it is what everyone is doing. It's recklessness not

    Now in case anyone points out that I am being immoral and advocating
    immorality by wanting to change expected behavior: yes, that's what I am
    doing. But note that I don't say that this (relatively new) social moral
    pattern should be changed because it is a social moral pattern, I am not
    being blasphemous, or disrespectful of morality. I say that it should be
    changed for the intellectual reason that allowing it to propogate will
    result in that litany of bad things I keep repeating, like reproduction
    becoming production, people no longer being the living manifestation of
    their parents unity and love. Making this currently immoral argument (which
    my character compells me to make) will hopefully change people's wills and
    cause them to value marriage with a new understanding of its meaning and
    importance, and hence change their behavior and begin to re-establish the
    pattern of marriage as life-long and meaningful.

    And it takes some amount of courage to take this position in todays
    repressive intellectual environment. It is risky to put my name to it (I
    once sent an email from work to my state reps in support of a marriage
    ammendment here, signed personally with no company footer, just my home
    address, and one fascist rep actually contacted my boss in an effort to get
    me in trouble. I really thought I might lose my job when I was called into
    the boss's office. I had to send another letter saying those were my
    personal views, not the company's, etc. There's no way the state rep could
    have thought I was representing the company, just cause it says in my email address. Does anyone think I am speaking now on
    behalf of Hotmail? It was just harrasment. By a state rep! grrr.

    Rick brings up a valid point that people's reproduction used to be
    controlled by arranged marriages. Whatever we think of arranged marriages,
    they aren't the only alternative to cloning and state controlled
    reproduction. There is a little wiggle-room between these things, Rick. It
    is not ironic at all that as a pattern evolves, where it came from, and
    where it doesn't want to go, are quite similar. The place marriage wants to
    go is a voluntary, loving, life-long union between a man and a woman to
    create equality for all of humanity.

    And, I wonder if Pirsig ever used 'the Giant' to refer to anything other
    than the economic system? Did he call the church the Giant?


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