Re: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ

From: Valence (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 01:51:17 BST

  • Next message: Valence: "MD Walking with Cavmen"

    Thanks for the kind words David. See ya next weekend.
    till then take care,
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: David Buchanan
      To: ''
      Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:24 PM
      Subject: RE: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ

      [Rick said:
       I couldn't stop laughing for about 5 minutes after I read this. Far and away the funniest post I've ever read in this forum. It makes me wonder what kind of sense of humor Aristotle had:-).
        dmb says:
        Oh, yea! That's another thing. I'm much, much funnier than Aristotle too. :-) But seriously, I'm glad to hear you got the joke. And since we're being all warm and fuzzy, let me say that I think you're the best poster I've seen in years. Please keep it coming.


        Be wiser than other people if you can; but do not tell them so. - Lord Chesterfield

        OK. I'll try that.

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