Re: MD The Intellectual Level

Date: Fri Jun 27 2003 - 12:34:45 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Introduction and Questions"

    So, yes, the intellectual level is more than the S/O divide, but also yes,
    it depended on the S/O divide to exist as a new level. Now you mentioned
    that I didn't press this enough with Squonk, but as I said to him, I'm not
    all that concerned with preserving the word "intellectual" in naming this
    level. Whatever the name, I would say the fourth level begins with the human
    mind learning to separate reality into subjects and objects. Until then, all
    thinking, all symbol manipulation, was determined by social and biological
    concerns, and was not seen as an independent activity of the individual.

    - Scott

    Hi Scott,
    Thank you for being fair.
    I feel far too much emphasis has been placed upon the so called S/O divide.
    Far too much. Way, way too much.
    The fact is, people differentiated along these lines long before ancient
    Family homes, 6000 years old, discovered in far reaches of the UK display
    ornaments set upon tables, just like we do today. They were sophisticated, and
    lived in a manner we would find startlingly close to our own.

    The significance of Greece in ZAMM is the emergence of reason. That does not
    even require Subjects and Objects, as you point out with your example of
    mathematics. These relationships (3-4-5, etc.) were originally incorporated into
    religious practice, but later seen as immutable like the Gods.

    Reason. That's what it's about - and that relies upon truth. The combination
    of reason and a concept of immutable substance crystallised intellectual
    patterns. That is what Bo incessantly goes on about - calling this 'the birth of
    the intellect.' It's nonsense. Absolute nonsense. Significant yes! But birth of
    the intellect? Not at all. Birth of reason - speculative thought yes! Birth of
    the intellect? No way man.

    But people still wore head gear before this time; they still understood that
    the head was delicate; and today we can understand the same importance,
    without recourse to mind or brains. Like yourself, i do not advocate mind/matter or
    brain/mind notions, but i would not wish for anyone to whack me over the head
    with a baseball bat thank you very much!

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