RE: MD The Intellectual Level

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 17:14:25 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Going away"

    Hi Bo,

    As you know I've supported your SOLAQI interpretation of the intellectual
    level. But, in the notes in Lila's Child, Pirsig raises a question I
    hadn't considered before. To your assertion that "Subject/Object
    Metaphysics could be seen as identical to the intellectual level of the
    MOQ," Pirsig responded:

    "This seems too restrictive. It seems to exclude non-subject-object
    constructions such as symbolic logic, higher mathematics and computer
    languages from the intellectual level and give them no home. Also the term
    "quality" as used in the MOQ would be excluded from the intellectual
    level. In fact, the MOQ, which gives intellectual meaning to the term
    quality would also have to be excluded from the intellectual level. If we
    just say the intellect is the manipulation of language-derived symbols for
    experience, these problems of excessive exclusion do not seem to occur."
    (Note 50.)

    Now perhaps you've answered Pirsig's objection. If so I missed it and
    would appreciate a brief repeat. I have no doubt that S/O metaphysics
    dominates the intellectual level, but the question of where non-S/O higher
    mathematics ought to go never occurred to me because I flunked high school
    algebra. Nor would I recognize computer code if my life depended on it.
    But surely they don't qualify as social level phenomena, and I don't think
    we want to invent a new level just for them.

    I'm delighted you're back giving us the benefit of your thoughts. Never
    mind Squonk's personal attacks. As Pirsig says in Lila's child, ad hominem
    arguments are "a form of evil." (Note 140.)


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