Re: MD Should sodomy be a right?

From: johnny moral (
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 22:49:30 BST

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    >Hi All,
    >Here in the U.S. the Supreme Court in a 6 to 3 decision recently struck
    >down the law in Texas that criminalized sodomy. Being the highest court in
    >the land, the decision made similar laws in other states besides Texas
    >null and void. In effect, the Court has made the practice of sodomy a
    >Constitutional right, superseding all state laws that would say otherwise.
    >Critics were quick to point out that nowhere in the Constitution can one
    >point to right to sodomy just as one cannot find in that document a
    >general right of privacy.
    >State laws are enacted by representatives of all the people of the state.
    >When the Supreme Court makes a ruling, it becomes the law of all states,
    >enacted by the number of justices voting to make a majority decision, in
    >the case of the right to sodomy, six individuals.
    >Texas argued that preserving the majority's sense of morality was a
    >legitimate state interest. But the Supreme Court disagreed, stating in
    >effect that public morality is not a sufficient basis to sustain a law,
    >raising the possibility that state laws against bestiality, incest,
    >prostitution, and polygamy, enacted for no other reason than to promote
    >the majority's moral views, could likewise be overthrown as
    >Of course, the paradox is that the justices in striking down sodomy laws
    >used their own morality. Instead of permitting the public to enforce its
    >moral views, the Court has taken upon itself the role of final moral
    >Was the Court's decision correct according to the MOQ? Here we see a
    >biological value, sodomy, in conflict with a social value (social mores)
    >with a bit of intellectual values (individual rights) thrown in.
    >For myself, I don't see social restrictions against sodomy to be a threat
    >to higher intellectual values. And I think the public through its
    >democratically elected representatives should be able to establish laws
    >that reflect the morals of the majority rather than have a six or seven
    >individuals decide such matters, provided intellectual values are not
    >obliterated by any state in the process. Finally, keeping lower biological
    >forces in check by law is legitimate moral function of society.
    >But, I could be wrong, and would be most interested to see how you would
    >apply MOQ principles to this controversial matter.
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