Re: MD Racism in the forum.

From: Destination Quality (
Date: Sat Jul 12 2003 - 21:22:02 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Patterns of value."

    khoo hock aun, squad....

    "Having arrived at the height of intellect how do we deconstruct it ? More
    intellect doesn't seem to be the answer"

    sharp observation, well sharp, after a thousand or so times this has been
    discussed it is kind of hard to miss, I look forward to the day when we
    realise that Intellect is more mythically, more social, more unconscious
    than we could have ever imagined. Intellect is a source, not a goal. If
    there was to be a magical fifth level it would not have to do much with
    rationality I reckon, it would be the intuititive sense of what is good,
    what is dynamic and an intuitive disgust of what is degenerate. But even
    that shall turn out to be a dream for it is degeneracy, the lower level
    latching what defines the good, and harmony exists by mercy of the smiling
    devil disorder.


    >From: <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: Re: MD Racism in the forum.
    >Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 12:08:55 +0800
    >Hello, Squonk, Bo, Scott, Steve, Johnny, Joe and all
    >I find this thread fascinating. I have been following the forum silently
    >for years "over here from my box" but feel compelled to say something now.
    >Chinese society for instance has always considered itself culturally and
    >morally "superior" to the barbaric rest of the world. The Middle Kingdom
    >assimmilated the cultures it came into contact with (both as conquerer and
    >the conquered) but left the barbaric rest of the world alone. Until western
    >science, technology and intellect manifested its imperial muscle to subdue
    >the nation but not its culture and society. Even when infected with
    >communist ideology, the shared Chinese culture had a "we are superior" edge
    >to it. I believe this worldview still exists, in Greater China, Taiwan,
    >Singapore and the rest of the Chinese diaspora. So if Bo's views imply a
    >position of cultural superiority over the rest of the world, I dare say we
    >are all guilty of it as well, perhaps for different reasons. That is if we
    >want to go down that road.
    >I am tempted to say that the Chinese, along with the Indians, Japanese and
    >other hindu or buddhist based cultures have long tangled with the
    >subject-object divide and learned to live with it, so to speak. The
    >contemporaries of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in Greece were the Buddha
    >in India, Lao Tze and Confucius in China. Buddhist philosophy has a
    >distinct subject-object component but that is not all to it. Lao Tze's
    >metaphysics was about the "undefined" but Confucius sought to place a
    >cultural structure and order into Chinese society, caring less for what
    >cannot be empirically ascertained.
    >Back to the intellectual level, the mind is included as a sense-door in
    >Buddhism in addition to the other five, capable of generating concepts and
    >constructions, that may or may not have relation to reality itself.
    >Transcending the mind, hence the intellectual level is a primary objective
    >in Buddhism. The dilemma that Pirsig presents after ZAMM and Lila and faced
    >by this group is where do we go from here? Undefined "quality" is itself
    >the fifth level, the harmony we achieve when we take down the intellectual
    >scaffolding that brought us here. Having arrived at the height of intellect
    >how do we deconstruct it ? More intellect doesn't seem to be the answer.
    >And I do concur that this group needs to make a breakthrough from the
    >intellectual circles that its has found itself mired in. I hope this is one
    >such rare opportunity.
    >Best regards
    >Khoo Hock Aun
    >----- Original Message -----
    > From:
    > To:
    > Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2003 8:31 AM
    > Subject: Re: MD Racism in the forum.
    > If an individual, or group of individuals hold a socially approved
    >definition of what intellect or intelligence is, and if that definition is
    >culturally narrow, then the said group have arbitrarily discriminated
    >between cultures.
    > Further, if the definitions regard morally related evolutionary levels,
    >then the discrimination is along lines of moral superiority.
    > Its not rocket science is it?
    > Thus, the Skutvik doctrine asserts an over active office clerk is
    >morally superior to Confucius.
    > The MoQ, however, describes intellect and intelligence as a relationship
    >between DQ and Static patterns, and as DQ is undefined, there is no
    >definition of intellect outside the relationship. The relationship is
    >derived from an undifferentiated aesthetic continuum.
    > The derivation began at a time no one can identify, but appears, from
    >linguistic evidence, to have begun with social ritual. Thus, using language
    >to symbolise the wonder of social aesthetic is not social aesthetic - it is
    >intellect making its first foray into Human life.
    > Skutvik never discusses art or aesthetics - he does not have the
    >conceptual vocabulary to handle it. He does not have the conceptual
    >vocabulary to handle it because his own definitions negate them. It is
    >little wonder when it comes to the East, Skutvik blithely talks of, 'these
    >people' as if they are over there somewhere in a box.
    > squonk

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