Re: MD Racism in the forum.

From: Scott R (
Date: Sat Jul 12 2003 - 03:48:52 BST

  • Next message: Valence: "Re: MD The Giant (types of patterns/types of people)"


    (Note: Since I agree with Bo's position about the S/O divide being the
    mark of the intellectual level, and since I don't want to speak for Bo,
    I am taking your charge of having a position that implies racism,
    bigotry, etc., as applying to me.)

    sq: I agree differentiation's are found in all cultures. Eastern culture
    is not as severe as the West, but its there, i agree. I do not believe i
    have ever said Eastern culture does NOT have differentiation's?

    I never said you did. You have said that I my position implies that
    Eastern culture was not intellectual, which I flatly deny.

    sq: I don't see a huge link between these differentiation's and
    intellect. Intellect can assert they are there, but that is another
    matter all together. Intellect can assert many things - it can assert
    that everything is totally material, even society, as in Thomas Hobbes.

    Irrelevant. It doesn't matter how we differ in defining what is
    intellect. What matters is that you have accused me of supporting
    "racism in the forum".

    sq: Skutvik conflates aesthetics, and in doing so denies the East of
    one, namely the intellect.

    You have a peculiar view of what constitutes the aesthetic, which it is
    your right to have. But to use your view to interpret my position as
    implying that we don't think the East has intellect is bad logic. It is
    refutable by the simple observation that I DO think the East has

    sq: Considering the East is more aesthetically inclined than the West,
    that is pretty damn ignorant in my view.

    This seems to contradict your previous sentence, but it doesn't matter.
    I haven't said that either culture is more or less aesthetic (or
    intellectual) than the other. To interpret what I have said as saying
    that is, again, filtering what I say through your peculiar ideas. Again,
    it is your right to do so, but to turn that into a charge of racism. or
    ignorance, is not OK. You are using this logic:

    I think of X as being Y.
    Y implies Z.
    Therefore X implies Z.

    and applying it to someone (me) who denies that X is Y.

    This would be ok, except Z is the highly inflammatory word "racism".

    sq: I feel the Skutvik doctrine to be patronising and bigoted.

    You "feel" that. That isn't sufficient. You have to *show* it, without
    skewing it through your aesthetic philosophy, if you are going to make
    accusations of this seriousness.

    sq: There are no subjects and objects in the MoQ.

    Irrelevant. I am waiting for a retraction.

    - Scott

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