Re: MD Philosophers and Poets

Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 12:43:58 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "MD Leap to language"

    In a message dated 7/15/03 4:58:54 AM GMT Daylight Time, writes:

    > Hey all,
    > I hate to be one of those who reads everything with Pirsig-colored-glasses
    > on, but sometimes it's just too easy...
    > Pirsig wrote in LILA (ch12 p178):
    > "Mind is contained in static inorganic patterns. Matter is contained in
    > static intellectual patterns."
    > The other day I found the following words written by Emily Dickinson:
    > "The Brain-is wider than the Sky-
    > For-put them side by side-
    > The one the other will contain
    > With ease-and You-beside-"
    > A philosopher and a poet can each travel their own road and reach the same
    > truth. I find that reassuringly beautiful.
    > take care
    > rick

    Hello Rick,
    I like that.
    me :)

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