Re: MD Role of imagination with beauty

From: Valence (
Date: Thu Jul 17 2003 - 00:39:50 BST

  • Next message: Mati Palm-Leis: "RE: MD novel/computer heirarchy"

    Hey Johnny, Erin, Platt and all,

    > But most of the people here who "like the MoQ" seem to like contrarians
    > breaking from static patterns. To me, contrarians are people who put the
    > wrong color in the painting, or the wrong dialog in a play.

    "Wrong" dialogue? "Wrong" color? I thought you were all about
    "expectations" Johnny. Don't you mean that the contrarian artist is the one
    who puts the "unexpected" color in the painting? Or the "unexpected"
    dialogue in a play?

      To harmonize or
    > be beautiful, something has to be there for it to harmonize with - static
    > patterns.

    Agreed. Sometimes art is better when it conforms to our expectations (ie.
    "that dialogue sounded so real, that's just how I'd expect real people to
    talk"). On the other hand, we usually walk away disappointed when an
    artistic creation completely conforms to our expectations (ie. "that movie
    was so predictable, there wasn't one twist I didn't expect". It's about a
    balance of static and dynamic elements, a harmony of the expected and the

    take care

    The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious - the
    fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true
    science. - Albert Einstein

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