From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Sat Jul 26 2003 - 03:17:00 BST
Hi Johnny Moral,
You said:
> Anything that happens, happens because, at the moment of it
> happening, we expect it.
> We may not have expected it 15 seconds prior, but our
> > expectations change as our experiences change. Expectation doesn't come
> > from us, it comes from outside us.
How long is the necessary time lag between the expectation and the experience? Who is doing the expecting?
You seem to be using the word in an unusual way (e.g. when I say "cat" what I really mean is "dog.") I wish you would stick to MOQ terms or relate your expectation to the MOQ somehow. I suspect that "expectation" is a lot like the more MOQish term "experience," and like "experience" it has the problem of presuposing an experiencer and what is experienced. Or perhaps your expectation is another term for static quality in which case I wish you would use the MOQ term that we all understand.
Perhaps you could take another crack at convincing me that expectation has something valuable to add to the MOQ. To be honest, I don't like it and tend to hit the delet button when I come across the term in you posts, but since after many months you're still pushing your usage of the term and if you're willing I want to try again to see if it has value.
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