From: Michael Mathews (
Date: Sat Aug 16 2003 - 03:28:37 BST
Hey all,
I have been reading the moq thread for quite sometime after finishing ZMM
and Lila. I must admit, however, I was somewhat intimidated to respond
because of my lack of an overall view of the MOQ. This post by Joe did
spark my interests a bit. Joe writes "Both of you seem to accept that a
person only has a belief in words. Is it any wonder that you find agreement
while disagreeing?". I think Pirsig tries to touch on the whole language
barrier throughout his writings. It's important to point out the fact that
much of contemporary thought has started to lean towards the subjective
side. In my opinion subjective is all we really have as individuals. When
I started studying philosophy I found that the largest obstacle for me to
overcome was that of expression. In other words I had a good idea of what
metaphysics(or other words, or philosophies) meant, but I couldn't express
it. Perhaps I am missing something but it seems to me that it would be
pretty hard to disagree about the definition of metaphysics. As I
understand it metaphysics is merely the study of what is real. I guess what
I am trying to get to is that most people have different definitions for
every word they use. Because it's all pretty subjective agreeing while
disagreeing makes perfect sense. I think though that this agreement to
disagree is what sparks the dynamic in this forum. Am I completely off base
here? This is my first post so correct me if I am wrong, but the
differences that we all put up within a discussion is the catalyst for new
thought. This is the crystallization that Pirsig mentions.
I guess what I am asking for is clarification on how one does or
doesn't believe in metaphysics. I can see it as a belief system, that one
may not believe in metaphysics because they have already defined for
themselves that everything around them is in fact real or not real, and
therefore requires no further thought. On the other hand it seems that the
literal term for metaphysics lays on a lower level, lower then belief, if
that makes sense to anyone. It does indeed exist even if only one person is
asking "what is real?". So how do can you not believe in metaphysics?
Please understand that I have not taken the time the last few days to check
all the posts on metaphysics, I just felt it was time to become part of this
discussion. So like I said if I am off base let me know. Second, I am
really glad to find so many people that have been impacted by Pirsig's
writings and take the time to put that little seed into everyone else's
thought process. Thanks for listening to my rant.
>From: "Joe" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: MD A metaphysics
>Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 10:35:06 -0700
>Hi Platt, Matt, and all,
>On15 August 2003 6:19 AM Platt writes: "Is it any mystery that I, as an MOQ
>advocate, take a dim view of Rorty's philosophy?"
>joe: a metaphysics describes the most basic things I know.
>Platt, you have stated that a metaphysics is a belief system. I think Matt
>also assumes that a metaphysics is a belief system. He does not believe in
>Both of you seem to accept that a person only has a belief in words.
>Is it any wonder that you find agreement while disagreeing?
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