Re: MD fractal philosophy and MOQ

From: Yale Landsberg (
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 03:36:07 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Dealing with S/O"

    An interesting set of info. But I'm afraid it does not answer my question specifically enough. What I'm looking for is details as to what extent are the specifics of the fractal philosophy at specifically in line and not in line with MoQ ideas? Regards, Yale
      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 6:48 PM
      Subject: Re: MD fractal philosophy and MOQ

      Can anyone here answer this question:

      It is my belief that the creation or recreation of a fractal philosophy as
      found at is consistent with Persig's MoQ. Am
      I right or wrong about that? YL

      Hi YL,
      The divided line in Plato's Republic is a Cantor dust isn't it?
      In my view, Fractal geometry is an intellectual aesthetic - intellectual art. So, the MoQ may say that it is high intellectual value.
      As for the MoQ itself being a fractal philosophy? Dynamic Quality is central to the MoQ and DQ is not a pattern. So, DQ may be said to be pure Heraclitian flux?
      Am i correct in remembering Heraclitus regards reality to be in tension? And does he not use a drawn bow as an analogy to illustrate this?
      All the best,

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