Re: MD Where things end.

From: David MOREY (
Date: Sat Sep 13 2003 - 22:55:12 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Dealing with S/O pt 1"


    I am aware of this. Never had anything to do with
    organised religion in my life. However, I think that much
    of the sentiment that religion expresses is the sort
    of sentiment I experience. I have always felt that the
    life-world we have ended up with after religion and science
    is something completely mis-conceived. I hope there is
    something beyond both that would capture the best
    elements of both. I generally experience my life as
    living in a society full of people going round staring at
    the ground and thinking that is all there is. If they looked
    up they would find the world much more amazing and
    impossible to understand in terms of the limited view
    they have been confining themselves to. Most of the people
    at MOQ are doing a bit better than average, thankfully.
    At least they have read a few books.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "David Buchanan" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 10:17 PM
    Subject: RE: MD Where things end.

    > Sam, David and all:
    > Sam said to David M:
    > other than that it reflects the guiding assumptions of the person making
    > that assertion. I think this is (one of) Pirsig's most significant flaws,
    > and is one of the reasons why I'm uncomfortable with his more-or-less
    > Platonic perspective in Lila. I just see it as a Procrustean attempt to
    > force different religions into a single philosophical shape (an
    > one), and that seems illegitamate to me.
    > dmb says:
    > Sam, perhaps its only fair that David should know you're a priest. Perhaps
    > he already knows and I really don't mean to imply that you're hiding the
    > fact, but this may become an important bit of info as your conversation
    > proceeds. I traded quite a few posts with you before learning where you
    > coming from in that respect. Normally, a person's occupation would hardly
    > matter, but occupations that require a person's commitment to certain
    > beliefs is an exception. And so its worth mentioning.
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