Re: MD science and the humanities - R M Young

From: David MOREY (
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 20:05:11 BST

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Science, humanities and the quantum soul"


    Things keep converging on me all the time.
    Radical Philosophy Magazine this month would get
    Scott and his L of CI very excited. Yes the
    human nature site is excellent.

    David M
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Ian Glendinning
      Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 3:58 PM
      Subject: RE: MD science and the humanities - R M Young

      David (M) this is indeed a shrinking world.

      I've only just made the connection - I've been using "Human Nature Daily Review" (aka NIBBS ) as a resource for all sorts of interesting material in this space for as year or so (I have a permanent link on my own blog), but I never noticed this was the same Robert M Young, nor noticed this paper before on his home page.

      What was I saying about convergence ?

      Ian Glendinning
        -----Original Message-----
        From: []On Behalf Of David MOREY
        Sent: 12 September 2003 22:52
        Subject: Re: MD science and the humanities

        Hi all

        By the way the end of the essay by Young
        suggests we should all read Pirsig, of course,
        we have that ticked off already.

          ----- Original Message -----
          From: David MOREY
          Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 8:59 PM
          Subject: MD science and the humanities

          Hi all

          The humanities are about discussing values and morals,
          the sciences are about avoiding talk about morals and values.
          See link below to a discussion of this byRobert M Young.
          He suggests we need to take a look at the dualisms of:

            humanities - science

            society - science

            culture - nature

             qualitative - quantitative

            value - fact

            purpose - mechanism

            subject - object

            internal - external

            secondary- primary (qualities)

            thought - extension

            mind - body

            character - behaviour

            I think that is what MOQ is all about. Let's talk:



            David Morey

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