From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Sep 20 2003 - 19:46:46 BST
Howdy MOQers:
Several posters have said something like...
> Sometimes I can't follow the moq threads. They become to complex with to
> many philosophy statements and names a beginner doesn't know. I'm mostly
> reading the beginning of a thread, until my 'learning curve' gets to
> steep. I get blown away by the knowled....etc.
dmb says:
Yep. That's what I've been saying too. Here's the problem as i see it. Its
about the subtext, its about what's NOT being said overtly. The proper
subtext or underlying motivation SHOULD BE the importance or relevence of
the idea being expressed. In this case one would be willing to express the
idea in a way that reaches out to the curious, to those who may not be
familiar with the esoteric terms involved. When the power or beauty of the
idea motivates a writer will work hard to make it accessable to anyone
willing to try. But what we see instead is an entirely different motive.
Here the aim is not clarity or communication. The aim is not to present
ideas because they are so worthy. Instead the aim is to demonstrate one's
superiority. The aim is to impress, not inform. Instead of saying, "look at
what a great idea this is" such a poster is really only interesting in
saying, "look how smart and well read I am". And that's what is so
P.S. Yes, stories where the hero breaks out of conventional reality and
discovers a larger vision ARE the best. This is the essense of drama. This
is THEE hero's journey and can be seen in myths, legends, religions and all
forms of drama all over the world. The search for DQ, if you will, is always
what the story is about. And once found, this is what redeems the world.
(Can you tell that I'm working on a screenplay? Yea, me and a million other
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