RE: MD MoQ platypuses

Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 04:59:03 BST

  • Next message: "Re: RE: MD Four options"

    Hi David,

    Andy continued: "I have grasped on to Rorty's most recent work, where he follows
    his own advice from "Mirror..." and stops doing epistemology and instead
    substitutes hope for knowledge."
    dmb says:
    There's a case where I need a translation. What does it mean to substitute hope
    for knowledge? This is one of the many slogans that just don't make any sense
    until some kind of explanation is included. Are we using special definitions
    for the words "hope" and "knowledge" here? I mean, how is that any different
    from substituting, let's say, wishes for data or aspirations for facts. How are
    these things even comparable, let alone interchangable? And have you ever
    sweetened you coffee with kindness? See what I'm asking? On the face of it, such
    slogans only sound like the same kind of neurological disorder that caused that
    man to mistake his wife for a hat.

    Andy: So now it's back to being lazy and arrogant. Yes, this is a slogan. No
    I have never given a precise tranlation of "subsituting hope for knowledge." I
    would have thought you would have been able to make a tranlation yourself, from
    the context of my previous emails and discussions on Rorty. Is this what
    happens when one grows old? Do you lose all ability for your mind to make
    metaphorical translations. I don't know if I want to even go on with this, but
    here goes. Subsitituting hope for knowledge is a way of saying their is no
    objective foundations for morality. Instead we should have hopes for what we
    want to achieve as a society. Among these hopes would be lessening cruelty and
    suffering among humans. I think I have gone over this before many times. It is
    really no wonder why Matt gets frustrated when you ask for these silly
    clarifications. This is exactly what I mean by being lazy. I can't figure out
    how you wouldn't be able to reach these conclusions on your own. WHy should
    every thing get spelled out exactly for you? It seems like you just do this for

    Get back to your sceenplay,
    > Andy, Matt and all:
    > Andy said:
    > I will gladly serve as your official translator. But, I just want to add
    > that I think my understanding of Rorty pales in comparison to Matt's.
    > dmb says:
    > Thanks. Unfortunately, the job of translator pays exactly $0. It may be that
    > Matt understands, but if I can't make any sense out of what he writes then
    > it hardly matters. He might as well explain it in Chinese, you know?
    > Andy continued:
    > I have grasped on to Rorty's most recent work, where he follows his own
    > advice from "Mirror..." and stops doing epistemology and instead substitutes
    > hope for knowledge.
    > dmb says:
    > There's a case where I need a translation. What does it mean to substitute
    > hope for knowledge? This is one of the many slogans that just don't make any
    > sense until some kind of explanation is included. Are we using special
    > definitions for the words "hope" and "knowledge" here? I mean, how is that
    > any different from substituting, let's say, wishes for data or aspirations
    > for facts. How are these things even comparable, let alone interchangable?
    > And have you ever sweetened you coffee with kindness? See what I'm asking?
    > On the face of it, such slogans only sound like the same kind of
    > neurological disorder that caused that man to mistake his wife for a hat.
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