From: David MOREY (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 18:37:06 BST
perhaps language needs to be seen in a broader sense,
where does information become a language?
Do genes use a language, do particles exchange packets
of language? Perhaps there is perhaps a continuum and
we are mistaken to limit the idea of langauge to our abstract version
where we have separated the activity from the meaning.
David M
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: MD The S/O divide
> Hi Jonathan.
> On 19 Sep. you wrote:
> > Bo, we need to characterize YOUR "Q-intellect", and see how it
> > measures up against Pirsig's concept of intellectual patterns.
> Accepted.
> > Contrary to what you say, we sill have to attempt to define the terms
> > using language - that's what definitions are.
> Yes, language has been used for "descriptions" and a billion other
> purposes since it is appeared on the evolutionary stage. In SOM it
> has assumed the same role as mind, Niels Bohr's: "Everything is
> suspended in language" is SOM's (idealist): "Everything is in (our)
> minds".
> But if the MOQ is to replace SOM, none of the the latter's "views" can
> be retained - least of all the said of language-as-mind. This has
> become my "stone tablet", but it is not heeded, "mind" has even
> become Q-intellect itself, the level from where an "abstract" linguistic
> picture of everything else is painted.
> Language was the social pattern that DQ "hijacked" for its ride to
> intellect and is now part of every intellectual pattern in the same way
> that inorganic carbon is part of every biological organism. Still where
> we manage to separate life from carbon, we seem incapable of
> distinguishing INTELLECT from LANGUAGE (in its mind capacity).
> > You don't help any by
> > throwing in a new vocabulary (Q-evolution? your post of 14 Sep 2003)
> > as if it means something!
> I just tired of referring to the static development. "Q-evolution" is
> merely this growth. Nothing more.
> > I think that the problem is that you fail to distinguish between
> > REASON and RATIONALITY. I've hammered away at this for a long time
> > (e,g, see my reply to you last year on this same subject:
> >
> -----Comments to the above mentioned message --------
> Jonathan:
> > Bo, I think we are on the same wavelength - nobody else seems to
> > what I don't like about the intellectual LEVEL. I don't deny the
> > of Intellect per se, but I find enormous difficulties in giving it its
> > level.
> Great about our common wavelength, but what "intellect" is it you
> don't like? The Lila Child variety or the LILA (dictionary) one? Update
> me.
> Jonathan:
> > But Bo, I do see the virtue of SOLAQI. I think SOL is a very large part
> > intellect.
> The S/O "..a very large part of intellect"! But what is it a great part
> That's the question.
> > SOL, as the main component of rational thought is clearly the
> > major player in the construction and analysis of the MoQ.
> Then, if I may sum up, you agree that the S/O-rationality is Q-intellect
> (a large part at least) and that the MOQ is "out of" intellect.
> "a major player ..etc). That's as close as you can come without
> declaring total agreement :-), but trust Jonathan ;-) .....
> > .........However, I think
> > that there is more to reason than that.
> In my lis - Interaction-Sensation-Emotion-Reason - the last rhymed
> better than "rationality", but is merely a characterization of (the value
> of) distinguishing between what is objective and what is subjective.
> > I've often said that one can follow
> > a logical/dialectical thought process all the way to absurdity.
> No doubt.
> > However, we have an inherent ability to look at the product of logic and
> > "that just isn't reasonable" (which is why people are good at picking up
> > massive computer errors!!!).
> Yes, but the VALUE of reason/rationality is ineradicable.
> Sincerely
> Bo
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