Re: MD The final solution or new frustration.

Date: Sun Sep 28 2003 - 22:40:43 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD MoQ platypuses"

    Hello Bo,

    With a another small twist, intellect's value is that of division,
    period. Experience is a continuum, indivisible. Intellect divides the
    continuum symbolically, laying as it were a grid over experience so
    intellect can deal with it.

    Mark: You are stating here that intellect is prior to differentiation:
    'Intellect divides the
    continuum symbolically...' So, intellect chooses the differentiation's based
    upon quality or harmony. If this is the case, and it is your statement, not
    mine, then intellect is not the differentiation, it simply invents
    differentiation's, or not, as the case may be.

    Experience must be patterned before
    intellect can even begin to represent it.

    Mark: If, 'Intellect divides the continuum symbolically...' as you state,
    then what you are in fact saying is, 'Intellect differentiates experience
    symbolically in response to Quality.'

    Whether the division is S/O
    or figure/ground or DQ/SQ isn't the issue when it comes to
    understanding intellect. The value of intellect is the /. We divide to

    Mark: The differentiation's intellect chooses are made in response to
    Quality. Quality comes first. You state differentiation comes before Quality.
    As for dividing for surviving, that sounds dangerously like biological and
    social imperative - Mating, tribal, etc. The intellect can help to enforce these
    patterns of biological and social patterns, it may also ignore them.
    Today is a wonderful day.

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