Re: MD The final solution or new frustration.

Date: Mon Sep 29 2003 - 21:26:04 BST

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig"


    You addressed the wrong guy. I (Platt) wrote what you attribute
    erroneously to Bo.

    Mark: 29-09-03: Hello Platt, I know! The way the post was laid out it was not
    easy for me to tell, but i corrected it in another post. Sorry.

    > Platt: (Not Bo)
    > With a another small twist, intellect's value is that of division,
    > period. Experience is a continuum, indivisible. Intellect divides the
    > continuum symbolically, laying as it were a grid over experience so
    > intellect can deal with it.

    > Mark: You are stating here that intellect is prior to differentiation:
    > 'Intellect divides the continuum symbolically...' So, intellect chooses
    > the differentiation's based upon quality or harmony. If this is the
    > case, and it is your statement, not mine, then intellect is not the
    > differentiation, it simply invents differentiation's, or not, as the
    > case may be.

    Intellect (thinking) is the process of differentiation. It cannot be
    prior to itself.

    Mark: 29-09-03: But differentiation is not division. That may sound picky,
    but the term division is heavily emphasised by Bo himself because it smacks of
    S/O division, which is not inevitable for the intellect to exist. Bo's SOLAQI
    does insist this.
    Remember , we are talking about the MoQ - values; the intellect is a
    differentiation of values. And it is a process as you say, but there is no direct
    connection made with DQ in Bo's solution (Pirsig: "I don't know if they were more
    in touch with DQ, but certainly they were less
    in touch with modern intellectual patterns that declare those voices to be
    illegal.") and No mention of Art? Intellectual differentiation is made in
    response to DQ, it is an aesthetic - the mythos is an artistic creation.
    If Bo had said, "Differentiation of value in response to DQ is fundamental to
    intellect" then he would be agreeing with the MoQ.

    > Platt: (Not Bo)
    > Experience must be patterned before
    > intellect can even begin to represent it.
    > Mark: If, 'Intellect divides the continuum symbolically...' as you
    > state, then what you are in fact saying is, 'Intellect differentiates
    > experience symbolically in response to Quality.'

    Intellect (thinking) responds to Quality in the sense that intellect
    (thinking) differentiates experience. Quality and experience in the MOQ
    are synonymous.

    Mark: 29-09-03: Yes indeed. But division is not the basis of intellect then;
    Intellect is a differentiation of value in response to DQ. DQ is found in
    relationships between SpQ.

    > Platt: (Not Bo)
    > Whether the division is S/O
    > or figure/ground or DQ/SQ isn't the issue when it comes to
    > understanding intellect. The value of intellect is the /. We divide to
    > survive.
    > Mark: The differentiation's intellect chooses are made in response to
    > Quality. Quality comes first. You state differentiation comes before
    > Quality. As for dividing for surviving, that sounds dangerously like
    > biological and social imperative - Mating, tribal, etc. The intellect
    > can help to enforce these patterns of biological and social patterns, it
    > may also ignore them. Today is a wonderful day. Mark

    Quality or experience comes first, then differentiation by intellect
    (thinking). Dividing or laying a grid over experience cannot occur
    before the experience. Intellect (thinking) divides experience to
    survive. You wouldn't last a week without thinking or somebody thinking
    for you.

    Mark: 29-09-03: I feel you may agree that at the cutting edge of experience
    divisions break down don't they?



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