Re: MD Dealing with S/O

From: Joe (
Date: Thu Oct 02 2003 - 19:34:34 BST

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig"

    On 30 Sep 2003 8:17 PM Scott writes:

    Pirsig seems to be ignoring his own warning about confusing the MOQ meaning
    of "dynamic" and "static" with the way the words are used in physics. There
    is nothing Dynamic, in the MOQ sense, in jumping off the stove. Instead, it
    is the body following the static biological pattern, called a reflex.

    Hi Scott, Dan and all,

    joe: in me the organic, social, and intellectual values are only different
    in awareness. I am not three people. While my place in the moral order is
    established by levels of value there is no moral order in me between my
    organic, social or intellectual facilities. My toenails can be as worrisome
    as my heart.

    I acknowledge the basis for a moral hiearchy from the organic, social and
    intellectual patterns of value in my awareness. My awareness, tuned by
    value, is my conscience. Preservation as well as creation or destruction
    can be a characteristic of Dynamic Quality in a MoQ sense. I am dynamic
    jumping off a hot stove with the speed of a biological reflex.

    I can confuse or ignore the input of brains that can recognize value. I
    confuse a tension and divide it into an organic, social or intellectual
    configuration. I see the tension only in my awareness. In this way the
    mystic can choose a morality for himself. Self-mutilation and annihilation
    in the name of self-betterment have had many practitioners.


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