Re: MD Re: MOQ:What is a person.

From: Patrick van den Berg (
Date: Mon Oct 06 2003 - 14:28:22 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Re: MOQ:What is a person."

    Hi David H, Sam,

    > > I'd say that a person is the collection of Static Patterns of Value,
    > capable
    > > of apprehending Dynamic Quality.
    > >
    > > -David H

    I agree with this definition, but it maybe has a connotation that
    associates it with the definition of subject in
    subject-object-metaphysics. There the subject can relate to objects. The
    objects are assumed to be primary, but the subject as well, in that the
    way subjects and objects relate to each other is secondary.
    Relationship, with other beings or other aspects of the world, can only
    be a distortion of what is real (the subjects or objects you communicate
    with). When you say "a person is the collection of static patterns of
    value", it reminds me of the subject as a static entity. When you say
    "capable of apprehending Dynamic Quality" it reminds me of the
    communication proces between subjects and objects. When DQ is really
    primary, we are not the static patterns that 'respond' to DQ (that
    leaves DQ out of who we really are), we are a union between static
    patterns and dynamic quality. Our identity contains DQ as well as sqs.

    Sorry if I've been too much word-picking on one sentence...

    Greetings, Patrick.

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