RE: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig

From: Mati Palm-Leis (
Date: Thu Oct 09 2003 - 13:01:29 BST

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD MOQ and idealism"


    I would like to point out a couple things. The S/O divide has existed
    without knowing about it. As far of the dog example the S/O divide
    exists for the dog even though he doesn't know it. As I see it social
    level is when living organisms have the capacity for "social learning"
    or the capacity of being to communicate and learn from one another.
    Many biological animals exist on the social level in its most primate
    ways. Your "Social" interaction with your dog is evidence of that.
    Human beings have developed some of the most sophisticated forms of
    communications by developing language. Language and the understanding of
    the future itself did not break the social level into the intellectual
    level but in my humble estimation created the fertile ground to do so.
    Language, or the manipulation of symbols did give us the capacity to
    recognize the S/O divide and in doing so, broke unto the other side into
    the intellectual level. For the dog the S/O divide is seamless and for
    us it is not. SOM drove that wedge that created that reality for us, not
    language itself. As far as the future is concerned it to doesn't change
    fact, but it is interesting to think about it.


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