From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Sun Oct 12 2003 - 17:52:29 BST
Interesting essay.
Pirsig acknowledges that the MOQ is based on one big assumption (that
reality = Quality) and a bunch of smaller ones. The fact the he is not
paralyzed by the fact that reasoning must always start with assumptions and
goes on to make assumptions anyway does not make him a bad pragmatist. Or
does it?
Can the Nazi use the MOQ to support his beliefs? You claim that he can by
basically adding some MOQ vocabulary to his Nazi talk. My impulse is to say
that what the Nazi was applying is not the true MOQ, to which you would no
doubt respond that there is no ahistorical MOQ out there to be corresponded
with. Yeah, but still the examples you gave about the Nazi applying the MOQ
are not about the true MOQ. I mean, do you think a Nazi who says that Jews
are mere animals and that fascism is the best government is making correct
applications of the MOQ? (Note: assume I accept your definition of
"correct.") If not, then we agree that the Nazi can't correctly use the MOQ
to support his cause.
I don't think Pirsig is saying that armed with the MOQ we can argue with the
Nazi and convince him that we are right and he is wrong, just that he can't
make a reasonable argument that he is right based on our MOQ premises.
I guess since Nazis are in such short supply these days, it would be unfair
for me to ask you to produce this Nazi lover of Pirsig's books, but I really
don't think he exists. Isn't he just the sort of scary hypothetical monster
that pragmatists aren't supposed to concern themselves with?
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