Re: MD economics of want and greed 5

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Mon Oct 13 2003 - 19:45:53 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig"

    Dear Paul,

    You wrote 10 Oct 2003 15:31:32 -0700:
    'Choices are not the most valueble things; free relationships with other
    humans is what matters. (You say this, when you talk about respecting
    people; but how different the world would look if not wealth and choices are
    the most worthwile things, but our appreciation and indeed respectful
    curiosity towards other people).'

    You seem to be unaware that you are reacting not to my views, but to views I
    quoted (as being 'a conventional veiw') from (the Human Development Report [HDR]
    Website of the United Nations Development Program [UNDP]). At the end of my
    e-mail I criticize that view as unsufficient.

    Among the most valueble things for me 'relating with others' is also
    somewhere near the top. 'Making visible (by practising) what connects
    everyone and everything' is how I would formulate the meaning of (my) life.

    With friendly greetings,


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